Tie Back Rig Part 2: Anchor | Vehicle Extrication Training

Next Level Extrication Instructor Paul Shoemaker gives firefighters tips on how to set up the tie back anchor system for maximum load capacity at the Arvada Auto X 2023 in Arvada, CO.

This multi-part fireground training series teaches firefighters how to set up a tie back rig system to create space between a vehicle and barrier in a vehicle extrication scenario. In part two of the series, Next Level Extrication Instructor Paul Shoemaker gives firefighters tips on how to anchor the tie back system for maximum load capacity.


Below is the transcription of this firefighter training video:

We basically need a stabilization crew, which are gonna be over here with Donny. And then I’m gonna need myself and anchor team, which is gonna get the tieback rigged up to the vehicle, hooked into this system with the secondary capture of progress, which is gonna be a ratchet strap.

If we wrap it around like that for obvious reasons, and anchor into the system with just that one point of contact, you’re gonna have less of a load capacity as you’re gonna be able to do a double basket in system like this. Now we’ve doubled our load capacity what the sling can hold.

This is where I would set up my grip hoist.

Okay. So you’re not crossing them over.

And this is where I would set up my ratchet strap one on. The reason for that is if you look at the weight distribution of that vehicle, most of the weight is in the engine, which is gonna be up front. That’s where I want to put the additional ratchet strap to capture.

The other system could be rigged off of this one, which is gonna be the grip hoist tied to those, uh, tie back chains that we have over there.

Remember how I told you guys how you can take and shorten the throw of a ratchet?

You can also not only shorten the throw of a ratchet, you can use it to make a bite. So do you remember how we would go through, through there and then go back onto there?

There’s your bite. Right now, take this end of it. And you’re gonna go to a cluster, find a cluster, and then tie that into wherever the engine compartment is.

That ratchet does not need to actually be, uh, tightened until we have lifted this car up and got it to the position we want. That’s when we’re gonna tighten down our ratchet.

At that point in time and lock everything off, you’re gonna have pre-spool. So as we’re pulling tension, you’re gonna pull, pull that through.

Once we’re ready, we make sure we got two full around that bale, and then we’ll lock it down.